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HOW TO WRITE A KILLER BUSINESS PLAN IN ONE WEEK If you have a business idea but don't where to start, this article is for you. If you have a startup that's progressing slowly or maybe needing venture capital, this article is also for you. The business plan is one of the greatest learning experiences an entrepreneur can encounter. Contrary to popular belief, the business plan is not for investors, or partners, or banks. The business plan is for you. It's a special time for the entrepreneur to fully understand who they are, the viability of their idea, and the strategies they will use to turn their dream into a profitable reality. It reminds me of this famous quote: HE WHO FAILS TO PLAN, PLANS TO FAIL. Over the last 12 years, I've written 11 comprehensive business plans. I have executed the strategies with success and I've even raised over $2.5 million with them. But comprehensive does not necessarily mean long. My typical business plan is 10-15 page
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HOW TO  CREATE A  WEBSITE FOR YOUR  BUSINESS (easy step-by-step guide) Sure, I hear ya. Your small business is doing just fine without a website. You’re probably making a splash offline, or your products have no problem selling over on Etsy, Amazon or eBay. But, how much better  could your business be doing if you had a website? How many more people  could  you reach simply by getting on the web? There’s no question having a website for your small business will help market your product or service better with a larger reach. In fact, a website creates a whole new sales tool. Build your brand and become the expert leader in your niche while creating a huge following of loyal customers to spread the word around. A website can help you do this and more. It doesn’t matter if you run a home-based business, small business, or even just freelance, if you don’t have a website, now is the time to get one. PART 1: BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS SITE Step 1: Purchase

5 Free Survey Companies To Join To Make Extra oney

1 Make Money Online With  Swagbucks Basically this is a free site that offers you a bunch of ways to earn cash, gift cards, or other rewards. They’ve already given out over  $90 million to date . You can earn by answering polls, taking surveys, doing simple tasks (like giving feedback about a website), trading in old video games or books, and even playing games on their site. I have tried it out and have received multiple payments from them, so I can attest that it is legit. While you won’t get rich doing this, to me it seems like a great way for SAHMs to make some money.  Oh and  they have a $5 sign-on bonus! 2 Save $500 This Week? So this one isn’t exactly a way to make money per se, but as Ben Franklin said “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Our friends over at brightpeak financial created this great  FREE 7-day email program to help you save $500  – this week! So if you need a few extra bucks to pay off some debt, pay some bills, or save for a vacation, then be sure to sign up fo

Business Startup Checklist

establish business and personal goals. Assess your strengths and weaknessess as an entrepreneur. conduct a thorough maket analsis. Analyze your business idea by doing a swot analysis. Assess your financial resources and identify potential sources of funds. identify your customers and competitors. determine the start-up costs. decide on your business location. prepare a busniss and marketing plan. select a lawyer and an acccountant. choose a form of organization(proprietorship,partnersgip,corporation). create your business(register company's name,incorporate the business). select a banker set up a business checking account. select an insurance agent and obtain business insurance.


"But I can say that LIFE is good to me. Has been and is good. So i think my task is to be good to how do you be good to life? YOU LIVE IT." "I think if you live in a black-and-white world, you're gonna SUFFER a lot. I used to be like that. but I don't BELIEVE that anymore." "johnny depp" "I think the thing to do is ENJOY the ride while you're on it."                                     "  christian bale" "I have this theory that' depending on your ATTITUDE, your life doesn't have to become this ridiculous charade that it seems so many people end up living."                               "jennifer Aniston" "there are no REGRETS in life. just LESSONS."                                        "BRAD PITT" "I have a hard time with morals. All I know is what feels right, what's more important

happy new year


                        OPEN WITH SMILE THIS TAB             WISHING YOU A HAPPY "NEW YEAR" WITH HOPE                THAT YOU WILL HAVE MANY BLESSINGS IN                                 THE YEAR TO COME